Friday, December 11, 2009

happy winter update

It's officially winter time in my mind for two reasons: Rain, and our trip to Julian. I'm excited and loving this weather! Time for wellies and scarfs. :)
I decorated my room for the season:

Also FINALLY finished my apron! 

It's lacking a pocket, but I need more cutesy stuff like this ribbon from the RVA store!

Boo, my pictures are so blurry! Time to get a new digi camera!
(and a Diana just for fun.)

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I feel like yuck. Major downer in mood for reasons semi-unknown. Just gotta make it through the next two weeks and I'll be golden!

Possible trip to the City of Light makes me feel a little better.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

december nights

Yay, CK is volunteering at December Nights tonight! In the Museum of Man! It's going to be lovely!

Still indecisive about where I wanna go... so many beautiful places to see.



Ha! Just realized that all of these photos are dusk or dawn. Random!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

are you cussin' with me?

We saw Fantastic Mr. Fox last night. So amazing!

Other than that, my life's a big bag of FAIL right now. Someone please make all this homework go away!

P.S. --- It is a very real possibility that I will be going to Europe in the next year. Where should Scott and I go? Right now I'm leaning toward the UK, Ireland especially.

All the places I want to visit are foggy/cold!
San Francisco:


 and Ireland:

 My cousin is so cute! I didn't ask her permission... Oh well!